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A message from Mike Miller, MD, DFASAM, WISAM's Public Policy Chair
The advocacy positions of the AMA are very aligned with those of ASAM. With its rich history and broad membership, AMA's presence and clout opens doors in the legislative arena and Congress pays attention. Below is an excerpt of a recent AMA Advocacy Update. I encourage you to stay abreast of these updates.
AMA Advocacy Update, June 27, 2019
ISSUE SPOTLIGHT: Funding boost needed to close treatment gap for patients with opioid use disorder
The nation's opioid epidemic is worsening as policy, regulatory and especially insurance barriers continue to block access to treatment, AMA President-elect Susan R. Bailey, MD, told Congress.
"The good news is that we know that there are policy and clinical interventions that work and have a direct impact on saving lives and improving care," Dr. Bailey testified last week at a House Oversight and Reform Committee hearing. "The bad news is there is a huge gap in access to treatment. It is estimated that less than 35% of adults with opioid-use disorder had received treatment for it in 2018." Progress continues on multiple fronts. As shown in the AMA Opioid Task Force's 2019 progress report, physicians have significantly lowered the number of opioid prescriptions they write and there are rising numbers of doctors registering with and using their state prescription drug monitoring program, getting certified to provide in-office buprenorphine and prescribing naloxone for at-risk patients. Medical societies in several states have used the AMA's model legislation to remove commercial and Medicaid prior authorization barriers to medication-assisted treatment (MAT).
Read more.
Fellow designation gives recognition to and raises awareness of ASAM members who are board certified addiction specialists. ASAM Fellows are able to use the FASAM designation after their name. To qualify for the FASAM designation, physicians must be members of ASAM for two consecutive years and be currently certified in Addiction Medicine.
Learn more to see if you qualify!
While Wisconsin and other states have made progress snuffing out cigarette smoking, youth vaping is on the rise. One in five high school students regularly used e-cigarettes in 2018, a jump in use the Department of Health Services has called an epidemic.
What led to this rise? And what are its overall health implications? What’s being done to address the issue?
A Wisconsin Health News panel on July 9 in Madison will tackle these questions and more.
Register now.
June 4, Wisconsin Health News
The federal government awarded two Wisconsin groups with $200,000 one-year grants to develop plans to provide treatment for those impacted by the opioid epidemic, according to a recent statement.
The Health Resources and Services Administration's Federal Office of Rural Health Policy provided $24 million across 40 states for the programs.
One of the grants will head to HSHS St. Vincent Hospital in Green Bay. The hospital runs the Libertas Treatment Center in Marinette, which will use the grant, as well as $20,000 from the Hospital Sisters of St. Francis Foundation, to operate the Heroin Opioid Prevention Education Consortium.
The consortium will assess resources available for prevention and treatment of substance use disorders in Oconto, Marinette, Menominee, Shawano and Florence counties. It’ll identify what else is needed and develop a plan to build on current services.
“The HOPE Consortium will allow us to ramp up our efforts in preventing and treating these disorders that are having devastating effects on people of all ages and all walks of life,” Paula Manley, executive director at Libertas, said in a statement.
The other $200,000 grant will head to the Family Health Center of Marshfield at Marshfield Clinic Health System. It’ll conduct an analysis in Wood and Clark counties to identify gaps in substance use disorder treatment and create plans to support those services.
Greg Nycz, executive director of the center, wrote in an email that they applied for the grant “because there are many in our community who need help with substance use disorders and access to the continuum of services that lead to success is problematic all across northern and central Wisconsin."
May 30, Wisconsin Health News
There's been an increase in the prescribing of medication used in medication-assisted treatment for opioid use disorder, according to a recent report.
The number of pharmacy-dispensed prescriptions for suboxone increased 21 percent between the first quarter of 2018 and the first quarter of this year, noted a quarterly report from the state’s Prescription Drug Monitoring Program.
The number of prescriptions went from 36,828 to 44,561 over the period. That doesn't include dispensing that occurs at a federally funded opioid treatment program.
Suboxone was the fourteenth most dispensed drug monitored by the program, according to the report.
Hello WISAM members,
With the end of the academic year fast upon us, many of us will be taking time off. I just returned from a three week trip to Egypt. While there, my partner and I found ourselves among an amazing group of people from around the globe, all of whom were doing their part to make the world a better place. It expanded my mind on multiple fronts as we met a banker from Luxembourg during our first night in Cairo. I hadn't considered that anyone in the banking profession would be doing anything of a world-healing nature, but this man spent most of his time in his native South Africa providing loans for projects that would help people rise out of poverty.
We also met people in the healthcare field and on comparing notes, the similarities of the challenges treating patients with addiction issues far outweigh the differences in rich vs poor countries, religious affiliations, and different cultural and ethnic groups. There were some interesting differences as well, such as Tramadol being one of the most abused opioids in Egypt, possession of which is punishable by long imprisonment.
So, as we start our summer excursions, our connectedness to those around us matters, as does our willingness to learn. This is as true for those we talk to during an unexpected encounter as it is for those we treat clinically.
WISAM will be a little quieter during the summer months as we take time off from our monthly teleconferences after the May call. However, we continue to plan for the WISAM 2019 Annual Conference taking place September 26-27 in Madison.
Please stay connected! As an organization, WISAM is only as strong as our involvement with all of you, our members.
Matt Felgus, MD FASAM President
On May 8, 2019, Citizen Action of Wisconsin, State Representatives Chris Taylor (D-Madison), Melissa Sargent (D-Madison) and Senator Jeff Smith (D-Brunswick) released a report documenting that expanding Medicaid would reduce financial barriers to accessing critical anti-opioid medications for working Wisconsinites.
WISAM Public Policy Chair, Michael Miller, MD, participated in the news conference, which took place in the Senate Parlor at the Wisconsin State Capitol in Madison, WI.
Michael Miller, MD, DFASAM Chair, WISAM Public Policy Committee
In February, the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Western District of Wisconsin sent letters to Wisconsin physicians encouraging them to take a step back and “take stock of” their practices and their prescribing patterns in light of the opioid epidemic. While the letter indicated the recipient was not under any sort of investigation by federal prosecutors, the outcomes left a chilling effect on physicians to receive such a letter from prosecutors in the U.S. Department of Justice. After hearing of these letters, I immediately reached out to Mark Grapentine, JD, Senior Vice President for Governmental Relations at the Wisconsin Medical Society, to gauge the reaction of the Wisconsin physician community and to discuss next steps. In short order, consensus developed to prepare a joint press release as well as a joint letter from WMS and WISAM to the U.S. Attorney’s office in Madison. Very quickly, a cordial response was received with a suggestion to meet in person and discuss each party’s respective perspectives. The U.S. Attorney’s office expressed a desire to be collaborative with the medical community regarding identifying solutions to the opioid overdose crisis. On April 1st, a meeting convened in Madison with representatives from WMS, WISAM and the Wisconsin Hospital Association, met with five attorneys from the Western District of Wisconsin, three attorneys from the U.S. Attorney’s office for the Eastern District of Wisconsin, three representatives from the Wisconsin Attorney General’s office including Deputy Attorney General Eric Wilson, and a representative of the Drug Enforcement Administration’s office in Milwaukee. Also in attendance was Tim Westlake, MD, from Wisconsin Medical Examining Board and the Wisconsin Controlled Substances Board, which overseas controlled substances prescribing within our state and which is the current administrator of the Wisconsin PDMP.
U.S. Attorney for the Western District, Scott Bader, provided opening comments and shared the directive received by DOJ from the White House to take immediate action to reduce opioid overdose deaths. Discussion ensued regarding the scope of the opioid problem and the current role of the U.S. Attorney’s offices around the country. Actions that have been taken by the DOJ, including the distribution of letters to various subsets of physician prescribers, were shared, and Mr. Bader made clear the intention of the U.S. Attorneys’ offices was to form a partnership with all aspects of the medical community in Wisconsin and collaborate to best address the opioid epidemic to generate positive public health outcomes.
The dialogue that has been established between the U.S. Attorney’s office has been very positive. Despite tensions that arose because of the DOJ letters being distributed to Wisconsin physicians without consultation with WMS or other physician groups, the collaboration that has developed through this effort marks a strong relationship for the future.
WISAM President-Elect Dr. David Galbis-Reig and I have both been invited to present and participate in planning the DOJ’s 2019 Opioid/Meth Summit, Making Progress through Collaboration and Prevention. The conference will take place October 15-16 at the Grand Geneva Resort in Lake Geneva. Last year’s Summit featured U.S. Senator Hal Rodgers from Kentucky and attracted over 700 attendees.
The American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM) recently commended a bipartisan group of US Senators calling for strategic investments to increase the ranks of qualified, well-trained addiction treatment professionals in high-need communities across the United States. Fifteen Senators from both sides of the aisle signed on to a letter urging the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies to prioritize funding in fiscal year 2020 for two addiction treatment workforce programs authorized in previous legislation.
“We applaud this bipartisan group of Senators for recognizing the need to invest in and expand our nation’s addiction treatment workforce so Americans all across the country can better access the high- quality, evidence-based care they need to continue down the path of recovery,” said Paul H. Earley, MD, DFASAM, president of ASAM. “By fully funding these two programs, which were previously authorized by Congress, lawmakers have the historic opportunity to help our country take a major step forward in addressing the deadly opioid overdose epidemic that is taking tens of thousands of lives every year.”
The letter, addressed to Subcommittee Chairman Roy Blunt (R-MO) and Ranking Member Patty Murray (D-WA), urged lawmakers to appropriate full funding for two key programs that will invest in the nation’s addiction treatment workforce during a time when the country is grappling with a deadly opioid overdose crisis, as well as a shortage of professionals trained to provide addiction treatments that are proven to save lives.
Specifically, the Senators highlighted the Loan Repayment Program for Substance Use Disorder Treatment Workforce, which was authorized in last year’s landmark SUPPORT for Patients and Communities Act, and the Mental and Substance Use Disorder Workforce Training Demonstration Program, which was authorized in the 21st Century Cures Act.
The Senators called for $25 million in funding for the Loan Repayment Program for Substance Use Disorder Treatment Workforce, which would provide student loan relief to addiction treatment professionals who commit to working in designated Mental Health Professional Shortage Areas or in counties where the average overdose death rate is higher than the national average.
Additionally, the Senators urged their colleagues to appropriate $10 million in funding for grants to institutions that provide training opportunities for medical residents and fellows in psychiatry and addiction medicine, as well as nurse practitioners, physician assistants and others who are willing to provide SUD treatment in underserved communities.
“Funding these programs would allow more individuals to pursue and afford SUD treatment education and training, and would significantly increase the number of qualified experts available to help the more than 20 million Americans in need of care,” the Senators wrote.
The Senate letter follows two bipartisan House letters sent earlier this month calling for House
Appropriations Committee members to prioritize funding for these two programs.
Despite the growing need, there are currently too few clinicians with the requisite knowledge and training to prevent, diagnose, and treat the disease of addiction. According to the latest estimates, nearly 21 million Americans needed treatment for SUD in 2017, but only 4 million received any form of treatment. Furthermore, addiction training is still too rare in American medical education. Since addiction medicine was only formally recognized as a medical subspecialty in 2016, the field is still catching up with other specialties in terms of available teaching and training opportunities. More investment is needed to close the existing treatment gap.
The ASAM Review Course in Addiction Medicine, "The Essential Primer in Addiction Medicine," takes place July 25 - July 27, 2019 at the Hilton Anatole in Dallas, TX.
The ASAM Review Course in Addiction Medicine is widely recognized as the essential primer for physicians and other healthcare professionals preparing for a career in addiction medicine, as well as for primary care providers who wish to increase their skills in identifying and managing patients whose medical problems are caused or exacerbated by substance use disorders. ASAM’s Review Course has had a major impact on advancing scientific knowledge among physicians and other healthcare professionals.
The course offers two-and-a-half days of sessions which are mapped to the addiction medicine exam blueprint of topics for the exam and feature an outstanding lineup of faculty.
Register by June 17 and save $200! Register online at:
Wisconsin Society of Addiction Medicine563 Carter Court, Suite B,Kimberly, WI 54136