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  • National Addiction Treatment Week

National Addiction Treatment Week

  • October 18, 2021
  • October 24, 2021

Join National Addiction Treatment Week from October 18-24, 2021, and inspire the next generation of medical professionals to treat addiction and save lives!

The week highlights the critical need for more clinicians to enter the field of addiction medicine. Check out this year’s engaging schedule of events and ways to be involved!

National Addiction Treatment Week raises awareness about the gap between the number of patients who need addiction treatment and qualified medical professionals available to treat patients using evidence-based approaches.

Mark your calendar today, join our partners and collaborators, and spread the word to “treat addiction and save lives!”

  1. Follow @TreatmentWeek on Twitter
  1. Share the week’s messages using the week’s toolkit
  1. Use hashtag #TreatmentWeek to share your perspectives on why it is important to treat addiction 
  1. Urge medical students and residents to consider getting certified in addiction care and treatment

By putting our combined resources to work, we all contribute to the health and well-being of patients!

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Kimberly, WI 54136

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