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Wisconsin Health News
A national philanthropic effort to fight the opioid crisis on Monday released more details on its work in Wisconsin.
The Bloomberg Philanthropies Overdose Prevention Initiative launched in 2018 in two states and expanded its work to five more, including Wisconsin, in 2021. To date, Bloomberg Philanthropies has put $170 million toward the overall initiative.
The initiative supports Vital Strategies, which is working in Wisconsin to help provide the anti-overdose reversal drug naloxone, fentanyl test strips and information resources. It's also supporting the Department of Health Services in how to best use funding and programming for overdose deaths. The effort also backs harm reduction services and awareness efforts in Black and Indigenous communities.
“Working together, we can avoid the loss of life from drug overdoses and help those with substance use disorder on the path to recovery,” DHS Secretary-designee Kirsten Johnson said in a statement.
On Monday, Vital Strategies said it is:
Wisconsin Medical Society | Medigram
The State of Wisconsin's Medical Examining Board (MEB) gave final approval to two administrative rules at its monthly meeting on August 16. One is the culmination of a multi-year exploration into establishing chaperone requirements; the other modifies current rules for physicians' continuing medical education (CME) responsibilities.
Opioid CME Requirements
The new rule alters the current requirement that a physician complete two credits of coursework each reporting period in a specific area of controlled substances prescribing; the specific subject area has varied over the previous cycles. Under the new rule, the two-credit requirement can be fulfilled with coursework pertaining to "prescribing opioids and other controlled substances." While previous cycles required those courses to be approved by the MEB, the new rule eliminates that requirement.
Since first establishing this subject-specific requirement, the MEB created each version of the rule with a sunset clause, meaning the requirement would expire if the MEB determined that specific prescribing education was no longer needed. As the state continues to experience overdose-related deaths – including an increase in synthetic opioid-related abuse – the MEB decided not to include a sunset clause for the new rule. Therefore, the requirement will remain until such time as the MEB decides to alter the rule.
The new rule is expected to take effect on October 1, 2023, which means it applies to the current CME cycle.
WI 2023 SB332 proposes to significantly change the alcohol laws in Wisconsin. If enacted, the bill would change Wisconsin laws for the production, regulation, and distribution of alcohol beverages and change how alcohol is regulated and oversight is provided. The attached memo, created by Wisconsin Alcohol Advocacy Project, outlines ten significant changes this bill creates for alcohol regulation.
The public hearing on AB 304/SB332 has been scheduled for Thursday, August 17, 2023, at the State Capitol at 9:30 am, 411 South. There are several bills in this hearing. AB 304/SB332 is third on the docket.
CLICK HERE to view the video from the Wisconsin Alcohol Policy Project webinar last week entitled “Changes to Alcohol Regulation in Wisconsin: Proposed increases to availability, accessibility and production of alcohol.”
Racial Equity Training - Announcement from the Overdose Prevention Program
WISAM is sharing this racial equity training designed for organizations and providers working with people who use drugs. The training, "Taking Action on Racial Equity in Drug User Health Programs," was developed in collaboration with In the Works and Reframe Health. It consists of three modules:
• Racial Equity in Overdose & Drug User Health—This module will discuss race, racism and how overlapping systems of oppression can impact the lives of people who use substances, including its important to drug user health.
• Addressing Institutional Racism within Organizations—This module will focus on institutional racism within organizations, specifically which practices and policies create inequity for BIPOC staff, and further explore how interpersonal interactions can contribute to inequity.
• Racial Equity in Planning, Data, and Action—This module will discuss integration of racial equity into service provision and external facing work, what kind of information can inform our work and how to identify goals and targets and work with community partners
The modules are available as a free e-course and can be taken at your own pace. The total course, including supplemental sections, will take approximately six hours to complete. There are supplemental resources provided, including downloadable handouts, worksheets, and a glossary. In order to access the course, you must enroll for the course through this link.
We encourage you to also share this opportunity with other groups that you think will benefit from this resource. Please feel free to share any thoughts or suggestions you may have after accessing the modules. We hope this course will help meet the needs of your organization and improve programming.
Wisconsin DHS News Release
Wisconsinites can call, text, and chat for free, 24/7 mental health and substance use support
The Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS) today is recognizing the positive impact the 988 Wisconsin Lifeline has had in the year since the service began taking calls, texts, and online chats. From July 2022 through June 2023, the 988 Wisconsin Lifeline received 91,834 contacts for mental health and substance use support.
“The 988 Wisconsin Lifeline is a critically important resource for Wisconsinites to be able to talk to someone when they need to,” said Gov. Tony Evers. “We are proud of the work the 988 Wisconsin Lifeline team has done over the last year to provide hope, help, and support for tens of thousands of Wisconsinites experiencing mental and behavioral health challenges.
View full press release.
Dear WISAM Members,
Happy July- we can celebrate freedom in many ways, and recall Maya Angelou’s dictum that if we are free, we can work to free others.
The FDA has issued draft guidance on clinical trials with psychedelic drugs here. Please submit comments by August 25, 2023 at this website.
Please join us in July for the Open Exchange with Dr. Trost- see here. As we did last year, we will be offering a complimentary WISAM Annual Conference registration to one person, drawn from all attendees who join the monthly Open Exchange sessions. We are looking forward to convening on the 4th Monday of the month from 7-8 pm through September.
Sincerely,Dr. Ritu Bhatnagar, MD MPH FASAM DFAPA
ATLAS is in Wisconsin! This searchable database went live in June 2023. Please see their website Home | ATLAS ( to share information about your program with people who are looking for treatment.
A press conference for the launch was held June 27, 2023 and Society President, Ritu Bhatnagar, MD MPH, is shown here with Attorney General Josh Kaul. It was great to see bipartisan support for this effort.
The Wisconsin Society of Addiction Medicine’s Nominating Committee is now accepting nominations of any member in good standing interested in serving in WISAM leadership.
WISAM’s Board of Directors meets quarterly and provides ongoing strategic oversight as the organization works to advance the effectiveness, sustainability and mission of the organization. Board members are expected to participate in all Board meetings, the Open Exchange Series and Fall Conference, and to volunteer for other activities that will help advance the organization's strategic priorities.
Nominations are being accepted for Board of Director officers and director at-large to serve a two-year term beginning after the Fall Conference in October 2023.
Open positions include:
If you or any of your colleagues are committed to serving in a leadership capacity and being a resource for information, education, networking and advocacy, we encourage you to get involved.
Nominations are due by August 13, 2023.
Nominate Here Board Description
Happy June- hope you are enjoying some summer sun and fresh vegetables from the Farmers’ Markets!
The Public Health Emergency officially “ended” on May 11, 2023. As of this writing, we can continue to provide telemedicine for buprenorphine treatment as we have been through November 11, 2023, and if the provider-patient relationship was established by that date, the same allowances that existed during the pandemic can be continued through November 11, 2024.
There continue to be overdose spikes in our areas, and if you can find a way to disseminate that within your networks, you can raise awareness and save a life!
We will take a summer break in June and reconvene in July for the Open Exchange. You can see the discussion with folks from the May discussion with United Way by visiting our website.
As we did last year, we will be offering complimentary WISAM Annual Conference registration to one person, drawn from all attendees who join the monthly Open Exchange sessions. We are looking forward to convening on the 4th Monday through September from 7-8 pm.
Sincerely, Dr. Ritu Bhatnagar, MD MPH FASAM DFAPA
Doctor Day 2023 was a success with over 300 registered attendees. AMA President, Dr. Jesse Ehrenfeld, joined us as the keynote presenter and physicians met with the legislators to discuss Doctor Day's priority issues which included; APRN Legislation and Extended Medicaid Coverage for New Moms. View WISAM's position paper here.
Wisconsin Society of Addiction Medicine563 Carter Court, Suite B,Kimberly, WI 54136